Give back while serving
Formed in 1978, the USU Alumni Association exists to serve alumni, students and faculty and to support the University’s unique mission to educate our graduates to both provide and enhance the capabilities to provide “good medicine in bad places.”
At one point while discussing our capital campaign intent to give back to USU someone said to me: “Well, you’ve never asked the alumni for anything.” I thought about that for a moment, and responded that while we have indeed not asked alumni for money, we have asked much. They have studied, sacrificed, and devoted themselves to caring for those in harm’s way - with so many of our graduates going into harm’s way themselves. Our alumni have provided this service while often forgoing the reimbursement that many peers enjoy. So yes, we have asked much of our alumni, and they have served our University and our country very well.
It is your demonstrated spirit of service that encourages me to ask each of you to please contribute in support of our 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign goal of $5,000,000. We can do more for the University that gave us our start, and benefit the next generation of leaders who will take care of our Nation, and us, when we hang up our stethoscopes.
Leon E. Moores, MD, DSc (SOM ‘90)
President, USU Alumni Association